The End of an Era

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Sadly, this will be the last post of the solarblogdotcom. Through out theses posts we have explored many of the amazingly interesting topics of the solar system. Although the picture above shows the Galaxy, It is still a great photo to end on, because you never truly know whats out there until you look for it. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t really see earth in the photo. That is the beauty of it all though, because we still have so much more to learn.

I think in the future when I read astronomy articles, they won’t seem so foreign of a concept to me. With the knowledge I gained in this class it will be exciting to be able to keep up with the nearest explorations. I think also, it gives me a greater sense of the magnitude of what NASA and other scientist do. I will definitely apprectiate more scientific works, because I understand how difficult it is to search for something, that you are not even sure is there. it’s amazing to see the persistence of all of those great people. Hopefully we find aliens really soon, I wonder what we’ll do after we figure that out!

2 thoughts on “The End of an Era

  1. Thanks for posting some awesome blogs this semester–I’ve really enjoyed reading them! I am also eager to see the probable discovery of extraterrestrials in our lifetime, and maybe we can both write about it in a few years 🙂


  2. I’m glad you’ll be able to understand and comprehend the magnitude and size of astronomy in your daily lives. Thanks for being part of the class and writing great posts!!!


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